
With warm weather comes swarms of bugs. When you live in a bedroom with a window facing your backyard, then it means your room because host to all sorts of creatures, including things that I never even realized existed. I love warm weather, but I don't like sharing my living space with a bunch of tiny roommates.

It can really get out of control sometimes. It became so bad last summer that I had to remove my ceiling lamp because it was attracting so many bugs. It became so bad that I started sleeping in our living room because I couldn't bare to be in my room anymore. All I could thing about was bugs trying to live inside of my nose and mouth.

I think that I am going to have to search through the internet for different ways to keep the bugs away. I don't have anywhere to sleep if I am forced out of my bedroom this year. I'm hoping that the lack of bright light in my bedroom will keep them away. But if I have to start concocting crazy brews and putting it all over my room, I swear that I will.